Sonntag, 6. August 2017

Novice Keo Graduated!

A few days ago I received a wonderful email from my friend, former novice and now French student Onkeo (Keo) Sulinda:

I got diploma already on 2 August. I am so so happy with this chance happening true to me as it was my dreaming since i was a monk in the temple. First of all. It will be not happen today if i havn't you to help. Thanks you for everything during 4 years in the university. You helped me a lot. I am so excited and so proud to work so hard to get this diploma. And i am happy ….
I hope you are doing well. And everyone in your family. 
All my best wish.

The email was accompanied by a photo showing a happily smiling student who has just received his diploma.

My Australian friend John Dow and I were teaching English in autumn 2011 with Travel To Teach in beautiful Luang Prabang, Laos. One weekend we did a bike trip to the nice little villages on the other side of the Mekong River.

In one of the small villages we met Stacy, development aid worker from the U.S., accompanied by four novices who showed her around in the area. They were so kind to invite us to join them.

One of the four novices was Keo, always with a smile on his face (left).

Keo, then only 18 years old, impressed us all with his deep knowledge of Buddhist history and philosophy – and he gave us a very knowledgeable introduction to the temples and the details of their wall paintings.

On my next visit in Nov 2012 I met Alan Shiel from England who ran the LEOT project in Luang Prabang, helping highly gifted young Laotians to achieve an academic degree. I asked Alan to consider Keo as a candidate, as at that time he was already studying French at the monk school and eagerly wanted to study French at University. A useful asset in a former French colony.

In autumn 2013, Keo graduated from the monks' high school, his life as a novice ended, and started his studies at Luang Prabang University.

Now on 2 August 2017 he successfully graduated.

Well done Keo, we are very proud of you!

With your great intellectual gifts you have proved that a boy from a remote Laotian village can achieve a good academic education. We are sure that you will now be able to start a successful and gratifying career, something you have always dreamed of.     

Keep us updated!

My recommendation: remain as modest and charming a person who seems to be well equipped to find a good balance between the spiritual and material world we all live in.

Cher Keo,  bonne chance pour ton avenir, beaucoup santé pour toi et ta famille! 

Ton bonne ami Kurt.